

Wow, I have seen alot of tragedy and heartache lately. I wonder what lesson I am supposed to be learning from it? First, my Grandma died...which really, was a good thing. She had Alzheimers and lived in a care facility for the last couple of years. I am glad she is home in Heaven. Yesterday, after my Grandmother's funeral, my step-Dad had some kind of an attack....he is still in the hospital while the DR's decide what is going on. Last week at this time, I was totally hooked to the computer while another blogger was wondering if her little boy was going to live. He is almost the same age as my Ty and looks alot like him. All odds were against him, but Stellan hit a home run and is alive and well. And then I have another tragedy in my life, which is almost too painful to even talk about. Through this all, you have to wonder, why am I right in the middle of all of this? God didn't give me all these different circumstances for nothing, right? I wonder what I am supposed to learn through this? Maybe it's just simply to pray more for my loved ones. Our Preacher has been preaching on prayer the last couple of Wednesday nights and he said last week "stay close to God, you never know when you will NEED Him." Maybe that is my lesson. Or, as I look around here in the waiting room, waiting for Iz to come out of speech therapy, I see lots of hurting people. They don't necessarily know that I am hurting, but I have gotten a couple of smiles that did my heart good. So maybe the lesson is to "be kind to everyone because everyone is having a tough time." I do know that God has not left his throne, and He is trying to work in my life. I will allow it and almost relish in it knowing that He means it for GOOD. Though I can't see the good in it, He does.


Debbie said...

I will be praying for you extra, Amy.....

Unknown said...

Wow... you have a lot on your plate right now! Hugs to you!

Nutmeg said...

Sometimes when it rains it pours. I am always thankful for the Everlasting Arms that hold me up.
ps-thank you so much for stopping by the blog, for voting for me, and for your sweet words!